Choice of Period

2017 Perioder

Personal information

City (valgfri)

Other information

- Specify your citizenship
Any disabilities, illnesses, or similar conditions that Aalborg Sports Academy should be aware of. By filling out the comment field below, I hereby consent to Aalborg Sports Academy being informed of (valgfri)
Any need for a special diet (due to illness or allergy), religious dietary habits, or if you are a vegetarian/vegan, that Aalborg Sports Academy should consider. By filling out the comment field below (valgfri)
Level of education
Would you like a single room during your folk high school stay? (valgfri)
- A single room consists of a one-room apartment with a private bathroom/toilet and a small kitchenette. The apartment is identical to all the other apartments.

Declaration, I am

At least 17½ years old at the start of the course.
Aware that I must attend at least 21 hours of instruction weekly. Attendance is mandatory for all classes, including those of a “broad general character”.
Aware that attendance is mandatory for all instruction.
Aware that the use and possession of hash, narcotics, and doping are prohibited, and that any use or possession will result in immediate expulsion.
Aware that alcohol abuse is not tolerated.
Aware that if the stay is terminated prematurely, a cancellation fee of 6,780.00 DKK will be charged, applicable in cases of both expulsion and voluntary discontinuation of the stay."

    Consent Declaration 

    I hereby give consent for videos and photos, whether they are situation photos, portrait photos, etc., produced during the folk high school stay, to be published for digital marketing and social media.

    Additionally, I consent to marketing on printed materials, such as newsletters, welcome brochures, or other targeted external informational materials. I can withdraw my consent in writing at any time.

    Please specify